Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tyson Chicken Nuggets Vs. Weaver Chicken Nuggets

This is Tyson Chicken Nuggets, you can find this food at almost any grocery store that carries Tyson Products.  When you put these nuggets in the microwave, they come out soft and golden crisp. They have all white meat.  However, the price can range between $5-6.  The price can vary by store and location.


This is Weaver Chicken Nuggets,  I know they are sold in Shoprite. However, I am unaware of any other stores they might be sold at. They sell them in the frozen section.  They are owned by Tyson foods.  I did not like them because whenever I stuck them in the microwave, the breading stuck to my fingers.  I have never cooked them in the oven;  so cooking them that way might make them crispier.

Parents Choice Formula vs. Enfamil Formula

This is Parents Choice Formula, you can only purchase it at Walmart. I have been feeding him this formula for several months and it is the best formula he has been on.   Parents Choice has been the best option because it is affordable and has not caused any problems. 


This is Enfamil Premium Infant Formula, it is available at most grocery/drug stores. He was on this formula for the 1st 3-4 months. Within the first couple of months I started to notice he was becoming gassy and had some constipation. The price comparison is different only by a few dollars. But it saves you money in the long run.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Aquafresh Iso-Active Whitening Review

The Aquafresh Iso-Active Whitening toothpaste is a toothpaste that helps whiten your teeth and promote healthy gums, strong teeth and fresh breathe. It comes in three different flavors: Deep Impact, Fresh Impact and Lasting Impact. The kind that I always use is Deep Impact.  

My opinion of the taste is refreshing and minty cool.  My experience with the whitening aspect is that it really does work as long as you are consistent with using it.  I noticed that my teeth started to whiten within 3-7 days.

My conclusion is that the product does work as stated.  Even though it is a bit pricy ($5.99), it is worth the value.  You can find at any local grocery or drug store.